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✨ Happy Birthday Greece! ✨
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✨ Happy Birthday Greece! ✨
Our 25% Off 18k Gold sale has been EXTENDED for a limited time—Automatic discount shown in cart

Art History

Origins and Inspirations from the past

Egyptian Ankh

The Cross

The word "cross" comes from the Latin word "crux", a Roman torture device used for crucifixion. As a symbol, it has been used by cultures worldwide prior to and during its association with Christianity. Our focus is to highlight its many forms as a Christian symbol.

Early Coptic Cross

Greek Cross

The Geometric Period

Despite the term "Dark Ages", proof of an artistic civilization can be found in the pottery of the time. Due to the extensive use of simple shapes we've come to call this "Geometric Art" and "The Geometric Period".

5 Ornament Geometric Ring

 The Procession Fresco at Knossos, 1500- 1400 Bc (Minoan)

Rope Meander

The Meander ~ Greek Key

The meander also known as the Greek key or Greek fret, is a decorative border from ancient Greece, symbolizing infinity, unity, and the eternal flow of life with its continuous lines.

Meander Key

Eternal Greek Key Enamel Band Ring

Monastiraki - The Little Church

The church was made during the Ottoman occupation. Christians at that time were allowed to build churches, but didn't have the funding to do so. As a result, the little church was assembled from carved stones found at places like the nearby the Ancient Agora and even the Acropolis.  

Club ring designs

Garden Gates Club Ring

The Little Church

Glass Blown Evil Eyes

The Evil Eye

One of the oldest multi-cultural symbols in human history is the "evil eye". It's origins may have originated in the ancient middle-east prior to Sumerian times, and like most things that old and enduring it's meaning is rooted in fear and the faith and hope required to challenge it.

Yianni's Silver Eye

Al'Oro's 18k and Diamond Eye


Medusa is one of the most recognizable characters of ancient Greek mythology, known as the deadly female monster with snaky hair who could turn men into stone just by looking at them.

Medusa Pendant

Roman bath mosaic floor with Gorgoneion

Medusa (center) is flanked by Perseus (left) who looks away while decapitating her, under the gaze of his divine helper Hermes (right).

Floor mosaic - Villa Romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina, Sicily, 4th c. AC.  

Dolphins in Ancient Art

One of the most memorable experiences a modern-day traveler to the Aegean may have is an encounter with playful dolphins jumping alongside or in front of a ship. In ancient times, such an event was considered a good omen for a safe journey. 

Dionysus sailing and surrounded by dolphins on a kylix (wine cup)

Golden Dolphin Thin Bangle Bracelet

The Olive in Ancient Art

Being one of the most widespread, long-lived, resilient, and generous plants of the Mediterranean climate, the olive tree has offered significant gifts to civilizations past and present. 

The image depicts the contest between Poseidon and Athena for the naming of Athens.

Champion Gold Olive Branch Necklace

The harvest of olives by Greek folk painter Theophilos Chatzimichael, 1933.

Helios on his chariot, krater (vessel for the mixing of wine and water), around 430 BC, British Museum, London. 

Pegasus and the Horses of Ancient Greece

Pegasus, the flying horse of Greek mythology, is one of the most admired creatures of the Greco-Roman tradition and a beloved subject among jewelry makers and wearers from antiquity to the present. 

Ring of a Roman soldier from the Legio secunda Augusta

Hinged Triple Bar Ring

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